This saga is one of the greatest Indian lovestories. The king Prithviraj Chauhan was in love with Samyukta, the daughter of his rival Jaichand of Kannauj. To humiliate prithviraj, Jaichand arranged a swayamvara for Samyukta and invited every king and prince but Prithviraj. Instead he got a clay statue of Prithviraj made to serve as a doorman. But Samyukta chose to put the garland across the statue of Prithviraj, who was hiding behind his own statue and escaped from there with Samyukta. Samyukta killed herself performing Jauhar when Prithviraj was defeated by Mohammad Ghori.
Rarely has a woman served as such profound inspiration for a writer—and yet he barely knew her. The Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote passionately of Beatrice in the Divine Comedy and other poems, but only met the object of his affection twice. The first time, he was nine years old and she was eight. The second time, they were adults, and while walking on the street in Florence, Beatrice, an emerald-eyed beauty, turned and greeted Dante before continuing on her way. Beatrice died at age 24 in 1290 without Dante ever seeing her again. Nonetheless, she was "the glorious lady of my mind," he wrote, and "she is my beatitude, the destroyer of all vices and the queen of virtue, salvation."
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