We are social animals. We crave contact with others for support, wellbeing and entertainment. But as our lifestyles become ever more transient and reliant on digital tools, these simple interactions are under threat. Nothing compares to living in real communities and spending actual physical time with the people we love.
Why is human interaction so important?
For one thing, it is important for our mental health. Social contact helps us to cope with stress and major life changes like a divorce, redundancy and moving house. And knowing that we are valued by others is an important psychological factor in helping us to forget the negative aspects of our lives, and thinking more positively about our environment.
There is compelling evidence to suggest human contact is also vital for our physical health too. In a 2010 report in The Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, Debra Umberson and Jennifer Karas Montez, sociology researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, cited evidence linking a low quantity or quality of social ties with a host of conditions, including the development and worsening of cardiovascular disease, repeat heart attacks, autoimmune disorders, high blood pressure, cancer and slowed wound healing.
Sometimes a hearing problem might lead to difficulty participating fully in conversations at work, home and in social situations. This might lead to withdrawing from situations which prove too challenging. But in these circumstances, to avoid episodes of isolation and depression, human interaction is even more important.
Why aren’t we interacting anymore?
In a recent interview with MED-EL, renowned Norwegian ENT specialist Professor Jablonski said that key to his relaxation is meeting new people and the interaction this brings: “I like to travel, see new people, and broaden my horizons. It’s about the interaction with the people you meet. I love it.”
Professor Jablonski echoes what many of us are thinking. But while most of us are still interacting, the majority of these interactions no longer take place in the flesh, rather online. We might have 2,000 followers on Instagram who regularly see and comment on the details of our private lives but we struggle to recall first meeting them.
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